They climbed along the tortuous mountain trail. 他们沿着崎岖的山路攀登。
In2003, three mountain bikers and I screamed down the ledge-filled trail called Forrest Ridge. 在2003年的时候,三个山地自行车手和我尖叫着冲下一条叫做ForrestRidge的陡峭小径。
While peak fall foliage varies annually, the 160-kilometer White Mountain Trail typically delivers brilliant fall colors from the end of September through the second week of October. 山顶的秋色每年都在变,从九月末持续到十月的第二周,这条长达160公里的白山小径通常会展示出炫目的秋色。
Unilever last hit the acquisition trail in China in 1999 when it bought ice cream maker Mountain Cream. 联合利华在中国的上一次收购还要回溯至1999年,那一年它收购了冰淇淋生产商蔓登琳(MountainCream)。
You could strap one on to help you navigate a mountain trail or the paintings in a famous art museum. 你可以穿上这种个人电脑,让它帮助你找到上山的小径,或是在一家有名气的艺术博物馆中浏览油画。
It was half the length of a pine-scented mountain trail he loved to hike in yosemite, with a baby on his back. 就是冉迪在约塞米蒂背着婴孩,徒步走过的那条四周散发着松树芳香的山路的一半路程;
Try a mountain trail stroll in China. 试试在中国的山间小道散步。
By late afternoon, we descend the mountain trail to a Thai inn. 在傍晚时分,我们下了山,住进了一家泰式旅馆。
We continued walking over a narrow mountain trail, and at last, sometime after dark reached the headquarters of the Anyang County government. 我们沿着一条崎岖的山间小径继续前进,终于在天黑后不久到达了安阳县政府机关驻地。
The third chapter is on the mountain trail, consumer behavioral analysis. 第三章是对重庆山城步道使用者心理行为特征进行分析。